Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid: How Each Enhance Your High Differently
Kannafleur Blog
What’s up, nugget newcomers? Welcome to ganja gang, vape nation and all the other cannabis clubs that welcome you as a new smoker. And I know what you’re thinking — with all the cannabis products out there, how can you decide which one is right for you?
Luckily, we’re here to guide you on your path toward becoming a cannabis connoisseur. And guess what? Learning about the physical and psychoactive effects of Indica, Sativa and Hybrid strains is the best way to start.
For starters, Indica and Sativa are the two cannabis strains that are predominant in cannabis products. Determining the best strain for yourself depends on the sensations you want to feel while you're high.
Indica offers a bodily sensation that relaxes the body. It tends to relieve pain, suppress appetite and induce sleep. From back pain to intense workouts — indica can help ease the tension in your body. Personally, I enjoy Hawaiian Purple Kush by The Legion of Bloom when I want to treat my menstrual cramps. This indica-dominant strain leaves my muscles relaxed and ready for a good night’s sleep.
Now, let’s say that you want to get high without feeling drowsy. Then have no fear, Sativa is here! That’s right, this strain offers a psychoactive high that helps consumers feel energetic and alert. I highly recommend this strain for smokers who need to get their creative juices flowing and want to thrive in a social setting — whether it be a party, study group or any place you need to let loose. For starters, I recommend trying Kushy Punch’s Sativa Gummy Carton with your friends at your next gathering.
The good news is that you have two distinct options, but the great news is that you can also enjoy the best of both worlds with hybrid strain cannabis. This strain is a crossbreed of both Indica and Sativa. It can be predominantly Sativa, Indica or equal parts of both depending on the product you consume. Dare to learn more? Mix it up by smoking Zelly’s Gift by Lithouse, a Sativa-dominant hybrid that will boost your energy while relaxing your muscles.
There’s no better way to learn which strain is right for you than to try them all out for yourself. (How exciting!) But no matter what you choose, I hope you enjoy your journey toward becoming a seasoned cannabis user. Good luck!